Tuesday, June 25, 2024

"The Vampire Dog (A Limerick)" from "Birthright: Poems for the Journey" by Devi Nina Bingham


The Vampire Dog (A Limerick)

"There once was a dog who liked to jog
but who always took a candle.
He went out at night to avoid the light
for his face was more than they could handle.
At the church altar the dog would falter
when the town folk began their chant.
Unstable at the communion table
was the vampire dog, Count Jax Van Zandt.
He would crouch behind the couch, growl, and grouch
or take his master’s recliner.
For a dog that loved art, he had no heart-
the neighborhood pets became his diner.
There was fur décor from ceiling to floor
and the shades were always drawn closed.
A single lamp in the castle with a ramp
Count Jax in his coffin did dose.
A book of magic gobbledygook,
a picturesque desk for a ghoul.
Paper, pen, even glasses now and then
Count Jax went to a private school.
Like the ruling class, Jax liked to have a glass
of red blood at night but would dribble.
Doing the dishes, the vampire dog wishes
his master would stop feeding him kibble."

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