Sunday, June 23, 2024

"The Universe's Lover" from "Birthright: Poems for the Journey" by Devi Nina Bingham


The Universe's Lover

I did not travel, nor was I rich.
I have lived a philosopher's life.
By questions answered I was enriched
of psychology, and the afterlife.
Now that I am old, I yearn to know
Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates.
For they can assuage my earthly woes,
wisdom money can never buy me.
The philosopher's stone is the only gem
worthy of my attention.
A thinking man, who can condemn?
For him, ignorance is the worst oppression.
So, I will spend my evenings in, pouring over books.
Hoping to glean ultimate knowledge and unconcerned with looks.
The fathers of thought, bless me now
by Zeus, that I might discover
what I may have missed, timeless truths,
about being the universe's lover.

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