Wednesday, June 12, 2024

"A Fading Light" from the book, "Birthright: Poems for the Journey" by Devi Nina Bingham


A Fading Light

The poetic soul revives

when listeners sit and stay.

“Pay the poet’s tab,” I plead,

“since he labored for a day.”


Not worth a cup of coffee?

Though he chased your cold away,

and warmed your neighbor’s weary bones,

and made the pretty girl say,

"I haven't been this happy

since it was the month of May."


It is worth the price of coffee,

it is worth a whole damned meal

what he offers is a treasure

that lesser men would steal.


A poet is a fading light

whose words are but a whisper

whose shadow cannot escape the night

as Autumn cold turns crisper.

Honor the artist now, my friend,

while he thanks you for to listen

as the day will come

when the poet is gone

leaving an empty cistern.



and dimmer yet

time creeps

         leading young men astray

sweeping aside

yesterday’s child

turning him

old and grey.


Fortunate you

who the poet spoke to

for he only wanted to play.

His prose will then stand

and speak for the man

when his light has faded away.

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