Saturday, June 24, 2023

Longings Are Magic-A Villanelle Poem by Devi Nina Bingham

Longings are magic, both light and dark.

In each heart hidden there lies a spark.

To give them up is tragic and leaves a mark.

A dream emphatic where hope embarks,

both private, forbidden, and places stark.

Longings are magic, both light and dark.

Life's enigmatic, essential part.

Logic overridden and reason departs.

To give them up is tragic and leaves a mark.

They whisper to us with a question-mark

of songs unsung as the meadowlark.

Longings are magic, both light and dark.

Pain and pleasure are desire's trademark.

A soulmate lost, and a kiss in the park.

To give them up is tragic and leaves a mark.

Longings are poison, or like the monarch,

can lift us up and grant a new start.

To give them up is tragic and leaves a mark. 

Longings are magic, both light and dark.