Saturday, June 15, 2024

"The Contemplative Life" from "Birthright: Poems for the Journey" by Devi Nina Bingham


The Contemplative Life
"My life is contemplative,
steeped in rhyme.
All is silent
but for my dog's soundless whine.
A closed-mouth existence,
I live day to day
where the world rushes by
and my hair turns to grey.
Alone, yes-but chosen,
for none is as grand
as the chilly, glad mornings
with coffee in hand
and the sea’s still serenity as I float,
and the gentle tempest against my boat.
I wrestled with fate
for too many years,
refusing aloneness
that played on my fears.
But time has made it
a best friend to me.
The contemplative life
is my way to live free."

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