Friday, June 21, 2024

"Mephistopheles in Love" from "Birthright: Poems for the Journey" by Devi Nina Bingham


Mephistopheles in Love
And on that day, the bells stopped ringing and forced me into solitude.
Had I heard the thunder, we would have hidden.
But blackest death, it hunted her.
On our peaceful life it did intrude.
Bringing agony unbidden, leaving me guilt-ridden.
Why did you come for her, sooty shadow, leaving me grief-stricken
when you could have taken this aged body instead of her virgin skin?
But Mephistopheles was enticed because her life had not time to begin.
Only the youngest, not the ripest does he pick
who clings to the vine and resists the call.
If they drop willingly into his palm, he will shun it.
Only the sweetest, the freshest, the unwilling does he cause to fall.
My wisdom, my candor he would choke on were he to dine on me, bit-by-bit.
He chose the tenderest heart who had only beat with love.
A child whose innocence a fiend like he could only dream of.

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