Friday, July 26, 2024

"Ever Shall My Mouth Praise Her Beauty" from "I Have Known Love" by Devi Nina Bingham

Ever Shall My Mouth Praise Her Beauty
"Even though love doth sometimes fail,
families with babes still wrestle with time,
haggard couples become aged and frail,
and newlyweds celebrate passion sublime.
It does not devastate them that love is fleeting
as the morning dew,
and thorny as the stem
which holds the rose
the bride is clasping.
Ever shall my mouth praise her beauty,
as wonders untold unfold around me.
A picture of love's face, both glad and broody
is buried now but shall be free.
I shan't scourge love, the one true wish,
the length and breadth of blessedness be.
And though it drowned me, it cannot weaken
the pull of the tide or allure of the sea.
There is no fairer maiden for me
than one who hides her precious face.
And though she is a mystery,
I wait as she paces from place to place.
Aged now, I know love well,
of how she fades like melting snow.
Still, in my heart a hope doth dwell
that someday soon her seed may grow."

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