Sunday, July 21, 2024

"And Then There Was You (A Villanelle Poem)" from the book, "I Have Known Love" by Devi Nina Bingham

                                                And Then There Was You

"And then there was you who captured my heart,
when all other suitors were talented, but tame.
Once you had me, you took me apart.
Once I held you, I couldn't restart.
When every other day looked the same
and then there was you who captured my heart.
I tried to move on by plotting a new chart
but every road led back like a child's board game.
Once you had me, you took me apart.
I thought I could beat you, but you were street smart.
I was like a moth to your open flame.
And then there was you who captured my heart.
Together, in moments, we were a work of art.
If only those moments could be freeze-framed.
Once you had me, you took me apart.
What I would give to say, sweetheart.
Or to say your name, say your name.
And then there was you who captured my heart.
Once you had me, you took me apart."

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