Friday, April 1, 2011

Positive Affirmations for Health & Prosperity by Catherine Ponder

Positive Affirmations:

HEALTH AFFIRMATIONS by Catherine Ponder:

"Let divine health manifest for me, and in me now."
"I look younger, more attractive and healthier everyday."
"I am now experiencing perfect health, abundant prosperity, and complete and utter happiness. The world is full of charming people who now unselfishly help me in every way. I walk with a company of protective guides (or ancestors). I’m now living a delightful, interesting and meaningful life of the most useful kind. My good, and my loved one's good, is manifest now."
"My body and my plans for health and success are now moving quickly towards a sure and perfect fulfillment. I expect good. I place my full trust in divine substance and prosperity."
"I am divinely protected from injury or harm. My health, strength, energy and stamina increases exponentially with every step I take."
"I am not discouraged or defeated. I am persistent: I go forward!"
"I refuse to give up. I continue steadily forward until my goal appears."
"Nothing can oppose my ultimate good, or my radiant health."
"I claim for myself that Universal good and healing is the only reality. All else is now permanently dissolved."
"I dissolve in my own mind, and in the minds of others any ideas that my prosperity and health can be withheld from me. Those blessings that are mine through divine right now come to me in abundance, and I joyously accept them."
"There are good days ahead. There are rich days ahead. The positive way for me is joyous, a way of safety and security. I give thanks that I walk in places of pleasantness, safety, peacefulness and prosperity."


“I give thanks that immediate, complete payment for all financial commitments is happening now. I have faith that with divine substance, all obligations are immediately paid in full.”
“Divine substance is the only reality. Divine substance does not fail to manifest in rich form here and now.”
“I am shown new ways of living and new ideas that will prosper me. I experience my perfect work,  in the perfect way, which now renders me perfect satisfaction and perfect pay.”
“I expect lavish abundance every day, in every way in my life and finances. I specifically expect and give thanks for lavish abundance today!”
“I give thanks that 10 times (or 100 times) this amount is on its way to me, so every bill is immediately and completely met with rich substance of the Universe.”
“This IS a rich universe, and theres plenty for you and for me.”
“Im partnered with the rich substance of the universe through prosperous, positive thinking, and I CANNOT fail, because the laws of the universe are immutable, and cannot fail.”
“I use the prosperous power of divine intelligence in all my plans. I give thanks that all my needs are provided for.”
“This is time for divine fulfillment. Miracles follow miracles, and the Universe’s prosperity towards me never ceases.”


“I dissolve in my mind, and the minds of all others any idea that my divine good can be withheld from me. Those blessings that are rightly mine now come to me in abundance, and I joyously accept them.”
“Be dissolved, with the help of divine intervention.”
“I refuse to believe this situation is necessary, right or lasting. I refuse to accept negative situations anymore. I am a universal child, and wont accept anything except complete goodness for me (and my loved one).”
“I only accept good, healthy and positive situations. Nothing can oppose my good.”
“Positive energy is immediately dissolving and removing any negative and unhealthy from my world. Good is my partner, making all things right.”
“I claim for myself, and you, that good is the only ultimate reality. All else is permanently dissolved.”

All affirmations by Catherine Ponder, “The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity.”


  1. Thank you Catherine Ponder. I love your proposed affirmations. Many Blessings
