Sunday, February 23, 2025

Why People Fall for Fascism (dedicated to Frida Kahlo) by Devi Nina Bingham

Men and women are not so fundamentally different. Fundamentally, at our cores, both sexes want fulfillment, stability, a vocation, and to be loved. However, here is where the split occurs: how the two sexes go about achieving those goals. Typically, men build society while women maintain and nurture it. I realize I am speaking in generalities; there are exceptions. But if you compare men and women's bodies you see that men are bigger and have more muscle mass which makes them physically stronger. Strength is important when building. And women's bodies are created to carry and feed a child which, as the child-bearers, makes them natural homemakers. Both building and homesteading are necessary for a society to flourish. 

However, in a world of automation and AI, planning and building will be automated in the future much as building a car is automated today. In the future, many occupations that were gender-specific will be assigned to machines and robots who can perform faster and more accurately than a human. Even "women's work" such as meal preparation, and household chores will happily be given to robots. When humanity's social roles are dramatically altered or no longer necessary, how will society adjust?

Humans define themselves by what they do. When someone asks, "What do you do," you respond with a job title: "I am a carpenter," or "I work at a dentist's office, and am a part-time mom." Occupational answers give us a lot of information about a person's role in society including their economic level and their role within the family. But what happens when a person's function is no longer tied to a task? Robots and AI are task-oriented technology. They are programmed to search for problems and provide a solution. They are like the search and rescue team. They can out-think and out-maneuver humans in some tasks. For example, automating warehouses has increased production while reducing accidents, and improved efficiency. What it used to take ten people to do now takes only one robot. Thus, automation is an inevitability as corporations seek to increase profits.

The fallout of being replaced by AI will naturally lead to loss of identity. When basic, fundamental identify is ended, human beings want to cling to something. An ideology, a leader, a religion-something that feels solid and which seems "in control." What feels in control to insecure people is strong-acting leadership which flexes its muscles for the world. This show of strength feels safe and sane when all else is becoming murky and unsure. Much as a strong father-figure will attract young men who have yet to find their path in life, strong direction appeals to men because society has given the message that weak men will be kicked around. During unsure and shifting times, leaders appear and play the authoritarian role. They are embraced at a time when normality is threatened. Be careful of the larger-than-life characters. Know that at their core they are insecure, too; only they hide it better. They are more deceptive, dishonest, and cruel than the average person. They are the "superman," the strong man who is always reassuring you that he alone is right. The strong daddy-types will bluster and lie their way to the top and will hire those willing to cover for them.

When you see a dominating force on the world stage, be warned. He has risen to power because of the need to be somebody important, and thus he needs to be in control. And unconsciously his subjects want to be controlled. This artificial control gives the populace a false sense of being a winner because they are associated with a leader who seems to be winning. But at the heart of every authoritarian dictator is buried insecurity. To explain this to the insecure sheep is a complete waste of time. They will only wave their flags and hats higher, because they fear what seems worse than fascism: they fear losing their place, losing their importance, and losing their standing, which they are not ready to relinquish.

What will stop fascism? Diplomacy never has. Trying to reason with them will only provoke them. Making fun of their ignorance never has because it is a willful ignorance. History shows that the only known remedy for an authoritarian regime is to physically fight and defeat them. This has taken a league of nations and has cost innocent lives, and the destruction of valuable artifacts, and national treasures. Once a dictator has been installed, uninstalling him can nearly ruin everybody. So, do not be fooled by the bull who goes charging at the matador. And do not be fooled by the crowds screaming for blood. Because in the end, the big, scary bull will fall to its knees when it is pierced by a sword, just like all the rest of us. Remember that fascists are only a flash in history's pan. Humanity must certainly find a better way to redefine itself in this new age of technology and loss of traditional identity. How will it? That is up to you. 


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