Monday, February 17, 2025

Art is Heroic by Devi Nina Bingham

One person is daring and bold,

the other lives in the shadow of convention.

Is it temperament that makes a legend?

Have you thought of yourself as  

the hero of your own play?

To survive is heroic-

to face the heartbreaks,

to brave the disappointments,

isn't this the hero's journey?

You may not see yourself that way,

but to live an earthly life

is either heroic or mad.

Every artist sees in an unconventional way

and is seen as irregular 

to those who long to say to hell with the world,

but don't.

Besides a difference in temperament,

the artist is rebellious.

They cannot see the benefit of superficiality

and do not need society prescribing

how life should be lived.

Art by definition is interpreting the world

in a unique way.

The more solitary and clear your voice,

the more of a force your work becomes.

It is finding your voice and unapologetic confidence

which makes one an artist.

Sing your own song proudly. 

It shouldn't sound like anyone else's. 

It is heroic to refuse to bow to the masters.

Instead, find something original to say that is wholly you.

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