Friday, September 13, 2024

Mortality-by Devi Nina Bingham



Monstrous is mortality

which stalks the soul until it dies

then free it is of stubborn pride,

brutality, carnality.

We mustn't cry.

If we had known the hardships then

would we have volunteered to come

and march like soldiers to the drum

and seen it to the bitter end?

A lion's den.

Bruised upon the wheel of fate

crushed is every tender heart

like puppets we are torn apart.

Fools we were to take the bait.

A sinless braveheart.

Better is the next bright star

than deception we are drowning in.

Where beauty dwells, and our own kin.

No battle scars or ruthless Czars.

We, sovereign.

Were we a cloud, pond, or tree

wouldn't we be much improved?

Even if we hardly moved

or were the tumultuous, romantic sea,

mortality removed.

Worlds beyond, now out of reach

we will cradle in glorious hands,

rule with care and give commands.

And simple species we will teach.

As was planned.

But today we are like childish fools

who dream of Heaven, and a God sublime.

Praying away our heinous crimes,

stuck here in this hellish school

we bide our time.

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