Sunday, September 15, 2024

A New Frontier-by Devi Nina Bingham


Dreamt I of how the world will end,

of robotic aliens with guns.

Alone was I, without a friend,

waiting for the morning sun. 

Why didn't you come?

If you had been there by my side

no fear could grip my heart and soul.

My last breath would be glorious,

even if I died.

When Saint Michael cracks the final seal

that makes our deeds vainglorious,

when it's dangerous

will you be courageous?

Distance cannot part kin souls

no matter what we say or do.

In the end, we've severed wholes.

What was one rent into two.

Tell me it's not true.

Time has made a fool of me

waiting for you to awaken

as the earth trembles in fear

and sanity flees.

And if my heart is gravely mistaken

I shall watch the metalic sunset from here.

A new frontier.

As we shed a tear. 

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