Friday, November 23, 2012

Coming Home To Ourselves by Nina Bingham

Our surest, steadiest place to stand is always in being true to ourselves. Yet coming home to ourselves can be such a struggle, such a journey. To be true to our calling, to our heart's desire, may simultaneously threaten our security. To stand in an insecure place takes immense courage, and difficult decisions may not look courageous to others. However, to compromise is painful in a different way; in a more profoundly devastating way that robs us of our vitality, our aliveness, our individuality. To remain true to ourselves will require a soul-searching that is revelatory and seering, and the answers we find at the end of our road may be unpopular.

Each soul has something to say. Some souls say it in an unassuming way, and some will trumpet their truth, yet a celebration is in order whenever we have heard our souls speak. We can only outrun Spirit for so long. Overnight it will outrun us, and the next day face us squarely so that it is plain to see, apparent that we've been running from what was in our own best interest all along.

While our minds are careful to remind us of the dangers of risking and reaching for our dreams, Spirit is unconcerned about any of the sensibilities of "security." Our Spirits long to live free and unhindered, unafraid, rising above conventionality and open to unlimited possibilities. The Universe is vast and expansive, a network of energy, bursting forth spontaneously with new creation and beauty. Even when nobody's looking it creates for the joy of it. Our Souls are a reflection of that creative energy, boundless and spectacular, and they remember their true natures. They haven't forgotten, even if we have. They know to live in expectancy of the miraculous. And so in this way we will always experience a tug of war, between the mind and the Spirit.  

In bowing to the Spirit, we open doors which were impossibilities to us before. An open mind is a powerful tool because that is where the magic of Spirit dwells. It doesn't live in certainty, it doesn't live in our quest for security. It lives at the threshold of an open mind. Waiting to enter, like a magical play director, to transform the barren set into a fertile valley.

So my friends, keep an open mind, even when it scares you, because the magic is found in the possibilities, which are endless when Spirit enters the scene.

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