Tuesday, June 25, 2024

"The Vampire Dog (A Limerick)" from "Birthright: Poems for the Journey" by Devi Nina Bingham


The Vampire Dog (A Limerick)

"There once was a dog who liked to jog
but who always took a candle.
He went out at night to avoid the light
for his face was more than they could handle.
At the church altar the dog would falter
when the town folk began their chant.
Unstable at the communion table
was the vampire dog, Count Jax Van Zandt.
He would crouch behind the couch, growl, and grouch
or take his master’s recliner.
For a dog that loved art, he had no heart-
the neighborhood pets became his diner.
There was fur décor from ceiling to floor
and the shades were always drawn closed.
A single lamp in the castle with a ramp
Count Jax in his coffin did dose.
A book of magic gobbledygook,
a picturesque desk for a ghoul.
Paper, pen, even glasses now and then
Count Jax went to a private school.
Like the ruling class, Jax liked to have a glass
of red blood at night but would dribble.
Doing the dishes, the vampire dog wishes
his master would stop feeding him kibble."

Monday, June 24, 2024

The Gift of SILENCE by Devi Nina Bingham

The Gift of SILENCE

 I have been single for 5 years.

I consciously chose singleness.
What did it earn me?
Stealthy silence is a change-agent.
It is persistent as acid
that will eat away at your falsehoods, one-by-one.
If someone cannot be alone
for extended periods of time
they cannot look in the mirror of their conscious
for long.
They are running from an inescapable truth,
hiding from making an apology
to someone else or to themselves,
for silence will not block your freedom unless you have not looked
deeply into the mirror.
if you have learned to tolerate silence
for a year, two years, or 5 years
as I have-devastating silence
that spells out the whole truth,
you will never have to run from anything again.
Nor will you deny your mistakes and failures.
You won't glory in them, minimize them, or laugh them off.
But because you have examined them in such minute detail,
the sorrow and forgiveness have become a part of you.
You become a walking, talking, real person.
Not a vain image of perfection, and not what others
wished you were.
No, you have become fully and unapologetically yourself-
who you were meant to be.
And this is the real gift of silence,
that you will never have to run from yourself again,
but will run towards your beautiful, broken self to rescue it.
Silence reveals whatever is there,
be it cowardess and fear, or a true bravery
you never imagined existed within you.
Like a mirror, silence only shows what is there in its entirety.
Do not spurn silence, for it wants to tell you your whole devastating, miraculous story.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

"The Universe's Lover" from "Birthright: Poems for the Journey" by Devi Nina Bingham


The Universe's Lover

I did not travel, nor was I rich.
I have lived a philosopher's life.
By questions answered I was enriched
of psychology, and the afterlife.
Now that I am old, I yearn to know
Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates.
For they can assuage my earthly woes,
wisdom money can never buy me.
The philosopher's stone is the only gem
worthy of my attention.
A thinking man, who can condemn?
For him, ignorance is the worst oppression.
So, I will spend my evenings in, pouring over books.
Hoping to glean ultimate knowledge and unconcerned with looks.
The fathers of thought, bless me now
by Zeus, that I might discover
what I may have missed, timeless truths,
about being the universe's lover.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

"TOO MANY TIMES (A SHAKESPEAREAN SONNET)" from "Birthright: Poems for the Journey" by Devi Nina Bingham


Mankind doth die too many times
and least of these is mortal death.
Our thoughts commit a thousand crimes,
our heart's fierce fire, it vanisheth.
That we could keep passion a-glow
and mute the head that makes us tire.
A thousand deaths we would not know,
a thousand joys it would inspire.
When shall we face the truth
and live in the light of eternal now,
to reclaim the contentment of our youth,
to forgive, and live free somehow?
We would not perish every day,
but depart when we were old and grey.

Friday, June 21, 2024

"Mephistopheles in Love" from "Birthright: Poems for the Journey" by Devi Nina Bingham


Mephistopheles in Love
And on that day, the bells stopped ringing and forced me into solitude.
Had I heard the thunder, we would have hidden.
But blackest death, it hunted her.
On our peaceful life it did intrude.
Bringing agony unbidden, leaving me guilt-ridden.
Why did you come for her, sooty shadow, leaving me grief-stricken
when you could have taken this aged body instead of her virgin skin?
But Mephistopheles was enticed because her life had not time to begin.
Only the youngest, not the ripest does he pick
who clings to the vine and resists the call.
If they drop willingly into his palm, he will shun it.
Only the sweetest, the freshest, the unwilling does he cause to fall.
My wisdom, my candor he would choke on were he to dine on me, bit-by-bit.
He chose the tenderest heart who had only beat with love.
A child whose innocence a fiend like he could only dream of.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

"Love is a Vicissitude" from "Birthright: Poems for the Journey" by Devi Nina Bingham

Love is a Vicissitude

Heart, I have tried to kill your voice
that chugs along in silent pain.
Alone, forsaken, without a choice
while others drink champagne.
Onlooker, sucker, sap, and mother
your sweet naivete is all of these.
Do you still believe that love will conquer?
Feel the serpent's squeeze.
The heart of a dreamer holds a dimly lit hope,
hanging like a shirt in the Summer's breeze
twisting there on eternity's rope
and left to freeze.
No, not now, but someday forever
my heart will quiet its quixotic song
of utopian romance, of a chivalrous contender
and allegiance gone wrong.
I lived to worship you
knowing all along
love is a vicissitude.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Life Is a Riddle (A Rondel Poem) from "Birthright: Poems for the Journey" by Devi Nina Bingham

Life is a Riddle
(A Rondel Poem)
Life is a riddle we shall never fully solve.
A mystery, a maddening marvel.
Try to dare it, and it will turn fatal.
Hold it too tight, and it dissolves.
I have tried to slow it down, but it continues to evolve.
At times an angel, but mostly the devil.
Life is a riddle we shall never fully solve.
A mystery, a maddening marvel.
The hands of time ever revolve.
It plays with my mind like a jigsaw puzzle.
Pieces do not fit, and I come unraveled.
I have tried to slow it down, but it continues to evolve.
At times I am an angel, but mostly the devil.
Life is a riddle I shall never fully solve.


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

"Muses" from "Birthright: Poems for the Journey" by Devi Nina Bingham

We who must have muses:
artists, writers, and poets
dissatisfied with life
our beauty hidden, concealed.
No eye sees our inner light
eclipsed by fear and ignorance
like clouds
that wrap the moon in disgrace.
Still, it glows, effervescent and insistent
outshining efforts
to strip us of our beauty.
We, asking too much of life,
its legs already bowed
its head bald, its breath labored
its strength waning.
An old dodger who cannot bite,
about to break.
Lifting a billion babes
yet saving not a one.
Hanging on his withered hand
pleading, take us away
from the cruelty of noise
and the violence of innocence dying.
The purest manifestation of love,
the last untouchable, unmolested child
is this hunger to become
an immortal star.

Monday, June 17, 2024

"Had I The Reigns" from "Birthright: Poems for the Journey" by Devi Nina Bingham


Had I the Reigns

 Had I the reigns to the sun and moon

dazzling bright at dawn's first light,

sliding Westward in the afternoon,

or the beaming pale of sterling moonlight,


I would invite you to ride.


But a simpleton of letters am I

endeavoring to bring you rhymes of old,

hoping some day for a reply

to my words of honey and tongue of gold.


I would entreat you to settle by my side.


I have laid my fondness at your feet

like a chest of Soloman's treasures.

Nothing more pleasant could make me complete,

or persuade me of higher pleasures.


I would give you the stars beside.

                                    Click here: www.amazon.com/author/ninabingham