Tuesday, October 31, 2023

NEW BOOK! I HAVE KNOWN LOVE: Poems of Love and Loss by Devi Nina Bingham


Heartsick, yet hopeful poetry by an award-winning author whose style she has defined as "distinctively confessional." Her intimate prose takes you through a range of emotions, and introduces readers to a myriad of poetic forms, from delicate and romantic Shakespearean sonnets to bawdy and clever limericks. The author's meaning is ripe with raw metaphors of longing and loss, written with honesty and vulnerability. Self-abasing in her subjective experience of love, she expresses disbelief in its unrealistic ideals. However, pessimism steps aside as the joy and wonder of discovering love anew takes center stage. These philosophical musings are crafted with skill, sensitivity, and a mature passion. Like bitter and sweet chocolate, you will savor this collection to the last word. 

Available in ebook or paperback by Worlds Beyond Publishing

Friday, October 13, 2023

Romeo-A Poem by Devi Nina Bingham

A faithful pal who patiently

will curl up in a ball and sleep

right next to me, and bravely

does guard me with his life, and keep

the dangers far away from me

though I've never said a word of thanks.

He's happiest when at the sea

or frolicking in cold snowbanks.

There is nothing he would rather do

than be my shadow every day.

Even when I'm bored or blue,

he always drives my sad away.

My faithful pal, my invincible shield

who even caused my heart to heal.