Saturday, February 19, 2022

"Messages From Metatron" Podcast Study Group Broadcast #2-"Not My Will"


Here's our 2nd Study Group discussing who God is. Can we know God? Can we know God's will for our lives? Do we really have free will? Is God only male, or is God both male and female? Who is God?? Find out here:

CLICK HERE: 2/18 ~ C View 2022: Messages From Metatron Podcast Study Group - Chapter 2 02/18 by C View Quantum Network | Self Help (

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Interview with Author Devi Nina Bingham by Book Critic and Author Anthony Avila

1,) Tell us a little bit about yourself. How did you get into writing?

One of my fondest memories from childhood was an “ah ha” writing moment. My 4th grade teacher chose my story for the class reading circle, but she didn’t tell the class I’d written it. At the end she revealed one of their classmates had written it. The class gasped in appreciation and burst into applause. From that moment I was hooked on writing! I had loads of natural creativity, but my teacher got after me grammar and spelling. She explained how important these two things would be if I was going to be a good writer, so thereafter I became a meticulous spelling, punctuation and grammar-checker, which made me a proficient editor. I have a good teacher to thank for her encouragement, but also for requiring me to push myself to master the difficulties of the English language. 

As an adult, my life coaching clients inspired me to write my recovery workbook, “Never Enough”, while a lost love inspired me to write “Aphrodite’s Cup: Passionate Poems”. “God on Fire: Spiritual Poems” was written after discovering Rumi’s spiritual poetry; I’m a big Rumi fan! “Once The Storm Is Over: From Grieving To Healing After The Suicide of My Daughter” was written so I could share my journey from grief to healing with other suicide survivors, and with teens and young adults struggling with depression. 

2) What inspired you to write your book?

After 4 years of struggling with serious depression my 15 year old teen daughter secretly took herself off of her depression medication. It proved to be a deadly decision, because 3 days later she took her own life in the next room as I slept. I wrote about my journey through grief in my autobiography, “Once The Storm Is Over: From Grieving To Healing After The Suicide Of My Daughter” (Big Table Publishing, 2015). Walking had become like therapy for me, so several years later I was walking my dog when I distinctly heard my daughter’s voice. It startled me so much that I came to a complete halt. All she said was: “Mama, listen for the voice.” I thought maybe my mind was playing tricks on me. The 2nd anniversary of her death was fast approaching, and I had been thinking as I walked that day of how Moriyah might look in the afterlife, her face glowing and celestial. I didn’t know what voice she was talking about, but I promised her that I would be listening for it. It was several weeks later that I received the first message from Archangel Metatron. It took me 3 years to compile all 30 messages, and I added a study guide with 30 lessons. “Messages From Metatron” is a powerful curriculum for those seeking to achieve spiritual transformation.

3) What theme or message do you hope readers will take away from your book?

I have taken what I was told and tried to stitch it together to present a unified explanation of how the universe is structured. The book answers larger existential questions, including, who is God and what is our purpose? All the messages have one theme in common, that of unity. They all seem to be stressing: we are one. Another favorite theme is that of reality. I found myself asking, what is real? From an angel’s perspective, reality is not only the world of matter, but the world of thought and feeling. Lastly, the book reminds us that we are a piece of the universal tapestry that affects the entire fabric of the cosmos. Without your contribution the world wouldn’t be whole. 

4) What drew you into this particular genre?

All of my books are nonfiction indies except for my autobiography. In my opinion, fiction requires a publisher’s hand in shaping the storyline and characters, while nonfiction can often stand alone because it is the truth, and this is a plus if you want to self-publish. The other advantage of being an andie author is that you retain the lion’s share of the royalties, and you can choose how to best market your book. Being an indie author doesn’t pay like having a fulltime job does; I advise people to do it on the side because in the book market, competition is fierce. I became a writer because I have to do it; something compels me to keep writing. If you cannot not do it, then you’re meant to write.

5) What social media site has been the most helpful in developing your readership?

I am most active in posting to my Facebook and Twitter accounts because I can interact more with the readers there. It’s more “personal.” Something I was surprised to find is how readers want to know something about you before buying your books. I started my blog in 2011 and have seen it’s readership grow over time, but most visitors to my blog heard of it through a social media posting. I don’t use other popular forums because I’ve only got so much time to devote to social media, so I focus on Facebook and Twitter because of their interactivity. 

6) What advice would you give to aspiring or just starting authors out there?

Just keep writing. Be fluent in writing. Write when you feel like it and when you don’t. Get used to writing frequently. Don’t allow your mind to lie dormant for too long. Keep hammering away at your craft and someday you’re ganna surprise yourself. And I suggest writing through writer’s block. Sit and write whatever comes, whether it’s excellent material or it’s going to wind up in the trash. I don’t believe in writer’s block. There’s always something to say on any given day, it just may not be publishable. Plow through the blockage, don’t give it much of my attention or judge whether it’s good or bad writing. When I ignore blockages, they tend to go away.

7) What does the future hold in store for you? Any new books/projects on the horizon?

Ten Archangels Teach You How to Live an Inspired Life is the second book in the Archangel series of a three-book curriculum, beginning with Messages From Metatron, that teaches a non-denominational and universal spirituality. Celestial communications from ten Archangels of the Tree of Life including Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. Their words of wisdom will help readers recover from life’s setbacks and find new strength and purpose. Publishing 2022.